Register Now for our Monthly Maronite Heritage Classes Starting Saturday October 12th, 2024 – 3-7 PM EDT

Dear Parishioners of OLOP:

Attached you will find information for our Maronite Heritage Classes which will begin on Saturday, October 12, 2024. All the details are included in this email, along with the link to register your children. This is going to be a wonderful union between OLOP and Saint Anthony Church in Fall River. I thank the Sisters who have been such a great help to our Church and children. If you have any questions, please contact Fr. Vincent or the Maronite Sisters.

Fr. Vincent

Dear Parents,

We hope that this email finds you well as you settle into the new school year. It was a joy of us to have spent the Bible Camp week with you and your children a few weeks ago! Thank God for all his blessings!

As we mentioned this monthly program at the Camp below is the google form to sign up your children for our Maronite Heritage Classes on a Saturday from 3 to 7pm:

Maronite Heritage Registration Form

The dates for this year will be October 12 (New Bedford), November 16 (Fall River), and December 14 (New Bedford). The 2025 dates will be confirmed at a later time.

We are delighted to invite our children (ages 5-12) to participate in our Maronite Heritage Program from 3- 7pm at St. Anthony of the Desert in Fall River and Our Lady of Purgatory in New Bedford (combined program). Teens 13+ are invited to volunteer and register. The fee to help defray some of our expenses per child is $50 (Venmo @MaroniteServants). The sessions will include snacks, t-shirts, Vigil Liturgy (Mass), dinner and crafts, and more.

Parents are invited to return at 6pm for dinner with the children followed by a 30 minute parent-based discussion with one of the clergy or sisters to help you to reinforce the Maronite traditions and teachings at home.

Also, attached is the invite to Mother Marla Marie’s 40th Anniversary & 16th Anniversary of Foundation as a community on Saturday November 2 at 4:30pm at Our Lady of Purgatory. I hope many of you can make it with your families!

Please help us to spread the word about our Maronite Heritage Classes with other families and reach out if you have any questions. Thank you!

Peace in Christ Our Light,
Mother Marla Marie, Sister Therese Maria & Sister Emily Mary

Fr. Vincent Farhat
Pastor OLOP