OLOP – Reservations for Saturday 5/30/20 and Sunday 5/31/20 Liturgies and FAQ on Online Reservations and Mask/Face Coverings

Dear Parishioners of OLOP:

As you know, we released our Gathering Plan and our Frequently Asked Questions Handout regarding attending Divine Liturgy during Phase 1 on Monday, May 25, 2020.

In this web posting, please find the FAQ Masks & Face Coverings 200526 – Final and the FAQ Online Reservation 200526 – Final explaining the process you will need to follow to make an online reservation for a Divine Liturgy during Phase 1.

I would like to thank the members of the Parish’s Covid-19 Task Force for their counsel, cooperation and collaboration in the production of the documents I have emailed/web posted to you over the past few days.

The Online Reservation System will be open at Noon Wednesday 5/27/20 to allow reservations for this coming weekend’s Divine Liturgies. Reservations for the Divine Liturgy on Saturday, May 30, 2020 will be accepted until Noon on Saturday, May 30th . Reservations for the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, May 31, 2020 will be accepted until 8:00 pm on Saturday, May 30, 2020. Please contact Joe Barckett at (617) 803-4087 Wednesday through Saturday between the hours of 10:00 am and 2:00 pm if you have any questions or need any assistance in using the online reservation system.

Here are the links that will allow you to make reservations for this week’s liturgies on Saturday 5/30/20 at 500 PM EDT and Sunday 5/31/20 at 1030 AM EDT. A PDF document on how to sign up is listed below:

Detailed Sign Up Directions

Saturday 5/30/20 500 PM Liturgy Reservation Link:

Sunday 5/31/20 1030 AM Liturgy Reservation Link:

As we begin the process of welcoming our family of faith back home, we ask for your continued cooperation and understanding.

In Christ,
Fr. Vincent