OLOP Saint Joseph Sodality Prayer Service – Sunday 4/5/20 at 10 AM – Palm Sunday Divine Liturgy – 4/5/20 at 1030 AM and OLOP Church Bulletin

Dear Parishioners of OLOP:

The St. Joseph Sodality will have their prayer service at 10:00 AM on Sunday, April 5. Divine Liturgy will follow as 10:30 AM. Both of these will be on the same invitation from Zoom. Due to interruptions by people intruding on these meetings, it is now necessary to use the password included on the invitation for our live streams.

The distribution of Palms will be available after Sunday Liturgy. I will have two pails of palms at the side entrance of the Church where the parking lot is. Please feel free to come by and take your palms.

Because of the directive of the Eparchy and State authorities, all Liturgies will now have to be private for your safety and health. Therefore, please join me on Zoom for all services during Holy Week. The schedule is in the bulletin and is included in the post.

I have also included the full rest of the Liturgy for you to follow and respond to at home.

I pray you are all well and staying healthy. I do miss seeing all of you but we pray this will all end soon. God bless and keep you and your family well.

Shaanini Mbaraki! Blessed Palm Sunday to you.

In Christ,
Fr. Vincent

Fr. Vincent Farhat is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: St. Joseph Sodality Prayer Service and Palm Sunday Divine
Time: Apr 5, 2020 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 178 088 174
Password: 119756

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Meeting ID: 178 088 174
Password: 119756
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